Our view on sustainable business

Sustainable business is about managing companies with an eye on the future. We strive to create long-term value and for us, sustainability is a driving force for developing our companies in generating sustainable, profitable growth.

sustainability strategy

Indutrade’s sustainability strategy represents a shared commitment that the businesses within the group continuously develop and improve in ways that are economically, environmentally and socially responsible.

The sustainability strategy is built around three key elements: People, Environment and Products & customers – with 2030 objectives set within each area.

Systematic sustainability work integrated into the business strategy will improve long-term value-creation.

Bo Annvik
President and CEO

Read our sustainability report for 2024 (p.30)


Indutrade has signed the UN's Global Compact sustainability initiative (UNGC), which serves as the framework for our sustainability work. In doing so, we commit ourselves to working with the Global Compact's ten principles for sustainable development in the four areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Group companies with sustainable solutions

The surrounding world of today makes high demands on responsible and sustainable solutions. There are plenty of good examples of these kind of solutions in the companies within the Indutrade Group. Here you can read about some of them.


Indutrade's Code of Conduct is our policy for sustainable entrepreneurship and it is an important component of our sustainability efforts. It provides guidance for who we aspire to be and how we want to be perceived, and applies for all employees in the Indutrade Group, in all countries.


We also have a Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Partners that can be used by Indutrade subsidiaries in their business relationships with suppliers and partners. Signing the Code of Conduct obligates suppliers and partners to act responsibly when it comes to the environment, working conditions, human rights and ethical entrepreneurship.


Indutrade's good reputation is based on integrity, sound business practice and a transparent business environment. In order to simplify for those who want to provide information about misconduct that violate current legislation, ethics, morals or Indutrade's policies, we use the external actor WhistleB, where you can leave an anonymous report.

Our approach to tax

For us, it is important that tax is paid in the country in which value is created, in due time and in accordance with local tax rules. Our view is that tax is a business cost which, managed correctly and effectively, can help reduce the Group's business risk. The tax policy covers all levies paid to the respective countries' tax authorities and applies for all subsidiaries and employees of the Indutrade Group.