Sustainability Objectives 2030

We work towards overall goals in the areas of People, Environment, and Products & customers. Below, you can read a short summary of each area. More about our work and KPI results can be found in our Annual and Sustainability report.


Objective 2030: 100% Engaged People

Ensuring that employees are thriving and develop in the organisation are priority areas for Indutrade and crucial for the Group’s success. We help create the conditions for long-term growth of our business by focusing on continuously developing leadership skills and competencies, having inclusive teams and workplaces where people thrive and by ensuring that there are safe and healthy working conditions.

One of the most important prerequisites for maintaining a long-term approach is our expertise within the Group. In our subsidiaries this is largely a matter of making use of the expertise that already exists internally. We do this both through training for key people and by sharing knowledge and experiences within the Group.

We believe in giving people freedom and trust. It creates job satisfaction, pride and commitment. Being able to attract, develop and retain the right employees is a prerequisite for Indutrade's long-term profitability. By building teams with diversity, the ability for development and innovation increases.

Health and safety in the workplace is fundamental for Indutrade. Investing in improved work and production environments is something that we prioritise, support and encourage.

Targets to the SDGs where the contribution from our work with people is particularly relevant



Products & customers